East Campus Remedial Action Plan : CE Windsor Site, 2000 Day Hill Road, Windsor, Connecticut 06095 / prepared for ABB, Inc. [by] Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.
Publication Info.
Boston, MA : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region I, 2016.
Includes maps, tables, references, summary of costs.
ABB, Inc. contracted with Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure in 2016(?) to prepare the remedial action plan (RAP) in compliance with the requirements of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection as per Connecticut State Statues. This RAP presents the results of post-demolition investigation activities completed in the Building 3 and Building 8A areas of the east campus to characterize potential environmental contamination.
The CE Windsor site consists of approximately 600 mostly wooded acres which include ponds, brooks, and drainage to the Farmington River. From the mid 1950's to 2000 CE was involved in the research, development, engineering, production, and servicing of nuclear and fossil fuel systems.