The gods of Olympus / a production of Schlessinger Media ; executive producer, Andrew Schlessinger ; executive producer/writer, Ray Messecar ; director, Ray Messecar ; [produced and directed by] Top Dog Media Incorporated.
Publication Info.
Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, 2005.
Call No.
Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department
Director of photography, Cosimo Scianna ; video editing & graphics, Elements Post ... [et al.] ; music, Bruce H. Zimmerman.
Grades 4-8.
The myths of ancient Greece were passed down over thousands of years, often changing over time. These legendary tales revolved around a family of immortal gods who, while incredibly powerful, had some very human characteristics. In this program, students will observe the creation of the universe from chaos, learn how Zeus became the king of the gods. This video provides an overview of the major characters in Greek mythology and sheds light on their relationships with each other and with humans.
Special features: chapter select, discussion questions & activities.